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AQmerican Warship USS John C.Stennis stationed in Indian Ocen with Sri Lanka as its logistic supply hub without any control by the Government of Sri Lanka |
USA and UK
with their resolutions 30/1 and 40/1 presented to the UN Human Rights Council
in Geneva, sponsored by their local pawn
Mangala Samaraweera, prepared Sri Lanka
as a propitious ground for” their terrorists” to bomb Churches targeting their religion and their tourists.
Clinton the USA
Secretary of State under President Obama said
that all terrorists cannot be put into the same basket, as only
those terrorists who attacked USA and European Countries were the true
terrorists, and the others like those in
Sri Lanka
were freedom fighters.
Hence the
USA Ambassadors in Sri Lanka from O’Blake
onwards became close associates of the Sri Lanka terrorists and after
their elimination the USA, UK and others
such as the EU,UN, etc. supported and acted along with those sympathises who funded terrorism in Sri
Lanka the Tamils of the diaspora in USA
and European countries, to communally divide Sri Lanka.
They urged the
Sri Lanka Goveernment led by their lackies
Ranil Wickramasinghe and Mangala Samaraweera to reconcile with the Tamils allowing them to
set up a separate Tamil
Province in the North and
East, writing for that purpose a New Constitution. That was the declared demand of the USA and the West from the
Government of Sri Lanka.
Today USA seems to be well establised in Sri Lanka having Sri Lanka Government under Ranil Wickramasinghe well under its control making Sri Lanka an American puppet state.
Lanka, under Ranil Wickramasinghe has
become a logistic supply hub for a US Warship US Air Craft carrier USS
John.C.Stennis stationed in the Indian ocean with Sri Lanka receiving supplies
to be transferred unchecked by Sri Lanka custom to the warship which is a PLA Presence in the
Indian Ocean to counter the influence of China in Sri Lanka.
(see below
for details of this warship and its potential
danger to Sri Lanka
one could imagine)
With these
developments and an ISIS terrorists attack never imagined could happen in Sri
Lanka, it should be investigated whether, the
presence of a US Warship stationed in
close vicinity and material being transferred to and from the warship through BIA in Colombo, has any connected
to the terrorist strike on the Easter Sunday.
Was it a
coincidence or is there an unexplained and unseen connection to the US Presence
in the Indian Ocean and an International terrorists attack in Sri Lanka ?
It should
also be noted that the US
Ambassador to Sri Lanka Alaina Teplitz had been very active since the terrorist
attack and overzealously initiated actions that Sri Lanka does not want, such as
the presence of FBI and their assistance in
the investigations into the terrorist
attacks by the Security Forces of Sri Lanka.
This is
strange as no FBI personnel had been present in the Island through out the the
30 years of terrorism in Sri
Lanka . Why now ? Why is USA so intent
in having their FBI investigators present in the country now ? Has Amerika any
thing to hide, and the FBI is working to cover up any thing that would point
the finger in the direction of state terrorism coming from America ? The
FBI did not come to France
to investigate terrorist attacks in France . Why in Sri Lanka ?
All these
makes one wonder whether the terrorist attack on the Easter Sunday was
indeed ISIS
initiated or was there other unseen hands behind those attacks ?
If it was
the ISIS what did the attackers expect from
this suicide bombs other than a bloody carnage or a mere passport to heaven to sit by the side of
their God as a divine reward for massacre of unbelievers ?
But on
the other hand USA and the
West have much to gain by such attacks that would destabilise Sri Lanka . A politically strategic island, with a
Chinese influence which America would wrench away from Chinese influence to
make the Island a puppet state taking orders from the American Embassy and the American political hierarchy.
The suicide
bombers according to reports are normal educated people, without a troubled
psychological past, or having any serious political involvements or financial difficulties. It is
best to investigate who had been their friends, relatives, teachers and
religious contacts. Because unless they were suffering from collective
psychological problems, they had been brainwashed by clever manipulators of the minds of their
With the
change of President Mahinda Rajapakse’s government in January, 2015, Sri Lanka became
opened to all types of undesirable
elements to hold high office , such as a
citizen of Singapore to become the Governor of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka who under the
protection of the country’s Prime Minister
wiped out the finances of the country and escaped safely without having
to answer anyone for the crime he committed. But those highly placed political
leader and his Ministers who aided and
abetted him in the crime have not been arrested or even taken to the CID for
The Yahapalanaya
and the present UNP Government from the beginning on the 9th
January,2019 did nothing but ruined the country, until it became the centre of
International terrorism and soon would
perhaps be a victim of crossfire
between heavy fighting between America
and China with America setting up an army base in the Indian Ocean with a
warship ready to carry out even a nuclear war stationed not far away from Sri Lanka
with Sri Lanka acting as its logistic supply hub.
these happened to a Sri Lanka which suffered under local terrorism for 30years
and was rescued just in time by a
visionary leader Mahinda Rajapakse who
gave political leadersip to eliminate terrorism under a military operation organised by the Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapakse carried
out with a united Armed Forces with the Army lead by its Commander Sarath Fonseka, Navy lead by
its Commander Wasantha Karannagoda, Air
Force lead by its Commander Roshan Gunatilleke
and Civil Defence Forces led by Sarath Weerasekara. They all contributed for the victory over
Rajapakse won the war against terrorism and developed the country remarkably because he faught a war against
terrorism, and was determined to develop the country and unite the Communities
which he started by stating that, “… hereafter there are no minorities but the good
and the bad citizens”. He gave leadersip to a, government to develop and unite
the country and he had no vengeance to take against any one, he raised no voice
of anger or hatred even to his enemies.
Yahapaalnaya was from the beginning a government to make the people forget the
previous regime of Mahinda Rajapakse. It was a government led by Maithreepala
Sirisena to take revenge from the previous President Mahinda Rajapakse. In his
rage against Rajapakse he was blind to
the mismanagement of the country by Ranil Wickramasinghe and his UNP
click. The President Sirisena did not
see the Bank robbery, he did not see Mangala Samaraweera running his own
government slavishly abiding to the wishes of the USA and the west, and even
sponsoring a resolution against Sri Lanka Armed Forces.
Ranil Wickramasinghe
the Prime Minister was gradually leaving behind the President and taking over for himself the powers of the President to decide on matters relating to
the country. He agreed to sell even the Hambantota
Harbour to the Chinese and sign a
Trade agreement of 1000 pages with Singapore
without even consulting the Parliament.
The President
Sirisena was slowly and surely loosing his authority. The development, peace
and security of the country suffered while the Yahapalana Government was
getting involved in taking revenge from the former President Mahinda Rajapakse his Ministers
and every one that supported him.
The country
was being mismanaged , Communities were disunited one looking at the other with
suspicion, there was a constant demand
for a reconciliation with the Tamils. Every thing was being done with
the aim of giving more political power to the Tamils even by proposing to write
a new Constitution giving more political; power to the Provinces which was to
be exclusively forTamils. The Tamil politicians were beginning to wield more
power and one of them Sumandiran even dictating
terms to the Prime Minister.
It was then
that the President Sirisena realised that he was being left behind and the
Government of Ranil Wickramasinghe is becoming all powerful, to the detriment
of the country, the welfare of the
people and the security of the country was being neglected. President Sirisena
then tried to take over things into his own hand.
coalition that formed the Yahapalanaya government collapsed. And with that
there was for him an opportunity to
appoint a new government with his former rival Mahinda Rajapakse as Prime
Minister. He also moved to dissolve the Parliament., which was contested by the
disempowered Prime Minister Ranil Wickramasinghe and his supporters.
It was then
that the President Sirisena realised that it was too late and that all
institutions including the judiciary had been taken into the Prime Minter’s
confidence. The judiciary which he
thought was independent failed to render independent and fair justice when the
President asked for judicial interpretation of the Constitution.
Supreme Court gave a ruling interpreting the Constitution in favour of the
Prime Minister against the dissolution of Parliament stating that the President has no right to dissolve the
Parliament before four and a half years in terms of the Article 70 of the
constitution ,when there was the Article 33 of the Constitution which definitely
gave the President the right to dissolve the Parliament when there was a
political crisis that needed the dissolution of the Parliament as a solution.
there was a conflict between the President and the Prime Miniter with the
Ministers of Ranil Wickramasinghe’s Cabinet like Mangala Saaraweera, Rajitha
Senarathne, Malik Samarawickrama acting
on their own creating a disunited government. There was no ruling authority.
The Inspector General of Police and the Minister of Defence were not taking
their responsibilities seriously. Sri Lanka is without a ruler
today. This prepared the ground for
whoever was planning to destabilise and breakup the county to create utter political chaos.
situation would have been avoided if the Supreme Court had interpreted the
Constitution correctly by confirming the
authority of the President to dissolve the Parliament under article 33 of the
Constitution. Or if the Prime Minister had respected democracy of which he speaks
often and resigned from his Office
There is
also doubts about President Sirisena’s intentions of forming a united front
along with the joint opposition and the
Sri Lanka Podujana Peramuna, against the
UNF of the UNP and its partners. If President and the SLFP wanted such a unity
one cannot understand why the President allowed Dayasiri Jayasekara the General
Secretary to demanding the acceptance of
20 condition by the Joint Opposition as a prerequisite for unity and running away
from Parliament without voting against
the UNP Budget, along with the Parliamentarians of the Joint Opposition..
President Sirisena’s silence on the issue makes his intention to unite with the
joint Opposition doubtful. This also could be sited as a reason for foreign
interventions in Sri Lanka
and the paving of the way for international terrorists to create mayhem in a
country which had been peaceful for nearly ten years. If Dayasiri Jayasekara continues to
bargain for unity with the Joint Opposition by insisting on its accepting his conditions its better not join with the
SLFP for the next Presidential and General elections, and that the Sri Lanka
Podujana Peramuna contests the elections alone as a Political force without joining
with the SLFP.
Such a
situation is sad as it would weaken the Presidents position today as he has
only Dayasiri Jayasekara and SLFP to stand with when there is already a serious
political crisis in Sri
Lanka .
Dayasiri Jayasekara is insistant for a conditional unity , and if the President
Sirisena is genuinely interested in settling the present unsettled political situation
in Sri Lanka ,
the President should change the General Secretary of the SLFP and settle for an
unconditional Unity with the SLPP.
The following is about the US
warship USS John C.Stennis an American Military Presence in the Indian Ocean
using Bandaranayake
International Airport
as a logistic supply hub. The US Warship
is by itself a complete American
Military Camp ready for any massive war with its foreign enemies. It is another great danger into which Ranil
Wickramasinghe has plunged Sri Lanka .
Fear is USA being a country not sympathetic towards developing
countries it would not hesitate even to destroy our country without a second though if
its in the interest of America .
We have Libya , Iraq as examples of its vicious intentions and itsinhuman State terrorism.
The mission of John C. Stennis and her air
wing (CVW-9) is to
conduct sustained combat air operations while forward-deployed. The embarked
air wing consists of eight to nine squadrons. Attached aircraft are Navy and
Marine Corps F/A-18 Hornet, EA-18G Growler, MH-60R, MH-60S,
and E-2C Hawkeye.
The air wing can engage enemy aircraft,
submarines, and land targets, or lay mines hundreds of miles from the ship.
John C. Stennis's aircraft are used to conduct
strikes, support land battles, protect the battle group or other friendly
shipping, and implement a sea or air blockade. The air wing provides a visible
presence to demonstrate American power and resolve in a crisis. The ship
normally operates as the centerpiece of a carrier
battle group commanded by a flag officer embarked
upon John C. Stennis and consisting of four to six other ships.
John C. Stennis's
two nuclear reactors give her
virtually unlimited range and endurance and a top speed in excess of
30 knots (56 km/h ,
34.5 mph). The ship's four catapults and four arresting gear engines
enable her to launch and recover aircraft rapidly and simultaneously. The ship
carries approximately 3 million US gallons (11,000 m3) of fuel
for her aircraft and escorts, and enough weapons and stores for extended
operations without replenishment. John C. Stennis also has extensive repair
capabilities, including a fully equipped Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance
Department, a micro-miniature electronics repair shop, and numerous ship repair
For defense, in addition to her air wing and
accompanying vessels, John C. Stennis has NATO RIM-7 Sea Sparrow and Rolling
Airframe Missile (RAM) surface-to-air
missile systems, the Phalanx Close-in Weapons
System for cruise missile defense,
and the AN/SLQ-32 Electronic Warfare System.