It has been
reported that a 31 year old Muslim PhD Student Nahid Almanea died of 16 stab wounds in Colchester, Essex , UK . She was wearing a Muslim dress-an Abaya robe
and a hijab scarf at the time. Police
has warned the public not to go to
isolated places by themselves. It is dangerous in Essex .
The incident
has sent shock waves among Muslims in
the West high light Sinhala Muslim attacks in Sri Lanka where as number of attacks against Muslims in the West go unreported.
There is no reason to be unconcerned about this deterioration of human
relations be it in Sri Lanka
or elsewhere in the world.
It is not
surprising that it is the Muslims who are now under attach every where in the
world. It is not a phenomena that
started with the 11 September Al Qaeda attacks in USA . Could it be put to Muslim attempt to bring
religious values into the public with
least respect to the sentiments of others.
A Muslim
scarf over the head may be of religious
significance but why impose it in schools, and in public ? Old religious customs should be adopted to
evolving situations. But Muslims seem to have become more “religious” in recent
times than they were ever before. At
least they did not exteriorise their religion before as they do it now. Sharia
Law and halal was not an issue before, it is going back to the old fashioned
religious worship, without taking into consideration that Muslims live with
other Communities who have their own religious beliefs and customs.
When the
Sinhala happen to be the majority any situation
involving physical attacks and death
amoung the minority the focus is immediately on the majority Community
as responsible. The minority Community becomes the sympathised victim, and
every one jumps to accuse the majority Community, without examining the causes
that led to those situations.
A terrorist moment started by a group of Indian
trained terrorist from the Tamil Community lasted thirty years without any
foreign intervention to stop it, but when the majority Community did the best
it could and eliminated terrorism the West rises up from nowhere to accuse the
majority community for violation of human rights and war crimes. The patriotism –the love of the country and
the willingness to die for it, in the case of the Sinhala
springs from Buddhism, where as the patriotism is secondary to those of
other faiths. Rome
is the sacred city of the Catholics, the Muslims turn towards Mecca
in their daily worship, and Tamils look
to India ,
demanding separatism.
Hence the
West cannot understand why the Sinhala are so protective about Buddhism.
Protecting Buddhism for the Sinhala is
protecting Sri Lanka .
In Sri Lanka Buddhism remains a pristine sacred philosophy since its
introduction 2300 years ago. There is no fear of it being contaminated from
external forces like Islamism. The Islamic fundamentalism contaminates the age
old Islamic faith of the Sri Lanka Muslims.
manifests in seemingly innocent ways, first by issuing hallal certificates, establish Sharia law, and
precipitate into Wahabism, Salafism, Takfir, Muslim brother hood, Tawheed Jihadis,Taliban,
Al Qaeda and Boko Haram. These are
dangerous manifestations of Islamic
fundamentalism, uncomparable in the least to Bodu Bala Sena despite its use of
strong language to denounce Muslim extremism. Bodu Bala Sena speaks out to
defend not only the Buddhist Sri Lanka but also for the welfare of all Communities who
want Sri Lanka
free from terrorism and anti social
religious fanatism.
Therefore our
Sri Lanka Muslims should protect their belief system from these fundamentalist
ideas eroding into it. The inter
communal relations have got deeply affected by these new trends in Islam. The Muslims outside the Arabic Nations had a
different Muslim culture, that allowed them for centuries to live in complete
peace in villages side by side with those of
Sinhala Buddhists. Why has it
taken a different turn now ? Should the
Sinhala Buddhists be blamed for that or is it the new Islamic views seeping into
the Muslim Society in Sri
Lanka from outside ?
These views
that are coming from outside are not just
Islamic religious views, but sadly they are initiated with a secret political motive. Therefore those who blindly defend religious extremism amoung the Muslims in Sri Lanka , are indirectly inviting what
happened in Afghanistan , and
then in America
on the infamous 11 September.
Therefore the Muslims in Sri Lanka
before criticising what they call the
“Buddhist Extremism’” should look into
their own back yards where the problems really lie.
Rauf Hakeem
the Muslim Minister of Sri
Lanka is not an innocent Muslim who loves Allah
and his Muslim Community. He is not a
man with an ambition to protect the religious faith of the Sri Lanka
Muslims, but out there promoting someone
else’s political ambition for a global Muslim Nation.
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Jehadists in Mali |
The Arab
States are promoting Muslim extremism like in Myanmar in support of the Rohingya.
“We reported an article from
Tunisian media in April 2013, that Qatar
is funding 3,500 jihadist to travel to Myanmar
(Burma )
and slaughter Buddhists. Do you think this is only a reaction by muslims for
the protective violence Myanmar
has meeted on the Rohingya?Rohingya, by the way, is
synonym of alien Chittagonian separatists or jihadist Mujtahid. They are not some friendly little
muslims who are victims of Buddhist violence. The Buddhist have described the
Rohingya’s in the following terms: “They are not human. They are satanic”. That
is indeed an apt description. ”
The people
of Sri Lanka
has not forgotten the role Rauf Hakeem played during terrorism. Though he
speaks of patriotism today he was willing to help the terrorist leader
Prabhakaran divide Seri Lanka. He signed a MOU with Prabhakaran for a separate Muslim State
in Sri Lanka
if the terrorists were to form a Tamil Eelam.
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Rauf Hakeem Shaking hands with Terroris Prabhakaran after signing an MoU with him before a terrorist flag. What a hypocrite ? |
That is Rauf
Hakeem who says today that he is fighting for the freedom of the Muslims, and
accuses the Sri Lanka
government for not punishing the Sinhala Buddhist Bikkhus who he accuses as
responsible for the Aluthgama Sinhala –Muslim conflict.
Rauf Hakeem
is the most unreliable Muslim Minister in the Government. When Navi Pillai visited Sri Lanka Hakeem is
said to have handed over to her a report against the Government, and today it is reported that Rauf Hakeem had met
the visiting UN Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs Oscar
Fernandez-Taranco to explain to him the Aluthgama Beruwala incident without
informing the government.
High level
UN Officials visit Sri Lanka , but unfortunately the UN System that was set up to free the world
of conflict situation that would lead to
wars, is unable to take a balanced view of
situations arising in different countries with different Cultural
backgrounds and find solutions, not to fulfil personal agendas or agendas of
those countries that seek world power, but to ease communal tension and bring
understanding between parties for
peaceful existence, and stop the interference of countries into the internal
affairs of other countries.
To-day for Sri Lanka ,
providence has given it a dynamic President who has been able to bring peace
and prosperity to the country giving its people new hope. The President of Sri
Lanka is a fearless warrior for the independence and peaceful existence of the
country and its people without distinction.
He had traversed new paths, and brought Sri
Lanka closer to other Nations, for the first time since Independence . He moves
slowly but surely to give Sri
Lanka a new face. His antagonists are ready to criticise
without getting anywhere near to give him credit for his political acumen.
qualities have brought him the ire of the Western forces duped by the Tamil diaspora an
extension of the terrorism Sri
Lanka had eliminated locally. The West is now all out to steal that victory
and the hope of the people for a better life, and thwart their aspiration. They are rallying round Navi Pillai the UNCHR
imputing blame and accusations to implicate the President as a violator of human rights.
While the
West is preparing to accuse Sri
Lanka for violation of human rights and war
crimes over the elimination of terrorism five years ago, the Islamic terrorists
in other parts of the world are continuing to doom the progress of developing
countries through barbaric forms of
terror. The West drawing charge sheets against Sri
Lanka is blind to the peril of different Muslim extremism
that raises its ugly head like Boko
Haram in Nigeria , Al-Shabab
of Kenya , Islamic Extremists
in Somalia , Moro Islamic in
Philipines, Islamic Extremism in Indonesia .
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Abubakar Shekau Boko Haram Leader |
The Boda Bala Sena may seem an anti Muslim
Organisation. But Budu Bala Sena raises its voice as a warning of what would happen if we the Sri
Lankans- the Buddhists, Hindus, Christians and Muslims do not pay attention to
the danger of infiltration of Muslim Fundamentalism, Wahabism, Jihad etc., Sri
Lanka too would end up being in the
hands of Muslim extremism which has nothing to do with the religion of the
Muslims in Sri Lanka.
happened in Aluthgama is sad but it should open our eyes to dangers seeping into our
Muslim Community, which would result in further disintegration of
Communities. It is best that the UN and
the West keep away from Sri Lanka
allowing Sri Lanka
to sort out its problems and find solutions within in a calm atmosphere in a
healthy dialogue between the parties to the conflict.
after the Aluthgama Beruwala incident
American Emabassy issued a stament, . “The U.S.
Embassy condemns the violence that has spread over the weekend in Aluthgama and
Beruwela. We urge the government to ensure that order is preserved and the
lives of all citizens, places of worship, and property are
protected. We urge the authorities to investigate these attacks and
bring those responsible to justice. We also urge all sides to refrain from
violence, exercise restraint, and respect the rule of law. “
Emabassy in Sri Lanka
issuing such orders to Sri Lanka
Government, is acting irresponsibly. A
situation has to be evaluated and those responsible identified
before the government could find a satisfactory solution without allowing the
incident to get out of hand making it difficult to unite the Communities despite the sad events .
it is far better that the uninformed outsiders do not interfere to make it
difficult for the government to find internal solutions. That is a democratic
principle which the West should respect.
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