Tuesday 8 September 2009

Expose the hypocrisy of the West, and find an alternative leadership , India’s leadership is hampered by Tamil Nadu State Politicians

Time has come to expose the hypocrisy of the West- America, and the European Union, and find an alternative leadership with China, Russia, Iran, Libya and Vietnam. India’s leadership in Asia is hampered by Tamil Nadu State with its racist politicians.

The respect, high expectation of justice and fair play, and the awe with which the Western Nations were looked up to by the developing countries some of which were their former colonies have completely eroded. The Western Nation States, with their Human Rights watch, Amnesty International, UK Channel 4, and Western Officials of the UN System, have become for the developing world a bunch of untrustworthy, dishonest, scoundrels making a mockery of democracy of which they are supposed to be the inventers.

The Western Nation States are today hiding their nudity of the lack propriety of behaviour, and exemplary quality of fair judgement with the proverbial fig leaf of competitive technology and a declining prosperity. Their hypocrisy came to light in their deplorable attempt to keep alive a ruthless terrorism in a developing country-Sri Lanka namely, when they had vowed to fight terrorism any where in the world. They showed that they are unprincipled to the hilt and double tongued in their dealings with the world of nations other than those of their own.

They were out to divide Sri Lanka ethnically, territorially for the only reason of making it a divided poor dependent nation a protectorate of the West to make of it a strategic military out post to keep in check China, Russia and India, the rising new Nation of Asia. They manipulated to breakup the USSR, only to make Russia a powerful Nation. They intervened in the student riots of China in Tiananmen to hold back the development of China, only to make of it an economic giant in Asia.

In this respect, the American Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central Asian Affairs Robert Blake, holding discussions with several expatriate Tamil Associations which were the front organisations of the terrorists of Sri Lanka, is a valid proof of Western dishonesty and political hypocrisy. The President Barack Obama if he does not put Robert Blake in his place will soon lose his popularity among the developing nations.

In the meantime the European Union has decided to withhold the GSP+ award for Sri Lanka apparel industry, confirming a concerted effort by the International Community to take revenge from Sri Lanka for the defeat of terrorism, which can also be seen as a part of the Western policy of keeping the developing nations poor.

Any excuse is enough for the Western Nation States to bar the economic progress of the countries of the third world. The excuse the EU gives for this blatant economical strangulation of Sri Lanka is that it has violated human rights. That is a flimsy excuse, compared to the enormity of the accomplished tasks of the Government and its Armed Forces to eliminate terrorism from the country, rescuing from the grip of terrorism , accommodating, feeding, taking care of, and providing security to 200,000 Tamil Civil population, until their villages are being prepared for their permanent settlement.

Sweden too has withdrawn its diplomatic Mission as a further attempt to weaken Sri Lanka and discredit the government. Milliband, Eric Solheim, and Kouchner perhaps contribute to accumulate evidence against Sri Lanka interposing Chanel 4 TV of UK to do their dirty work.

Under these circumstances the President Mahinda Rajapakse should be applauded for his seeking to establish diplomatic ties with the countries of the Middle East, South Asia, and Africa, such as Libya, Lebanon, Jordan, Morocco , Syria, Vietnam, and Kenya. We had so far been seeking diplomatic contact with the high and mighty Western Nation States, but they have failed to respect the Sovereign State of Sri Lanka for what it is , seeking to divide and create internal dissention using the expatriate elements as pawns.

We of the third world have to know who our real friends are, as Kipling had said “Oh, East is East, and West is West, and never the twain shall meet” , and there will always be underhand manoeuvres by the Western Nation States to keep the developing countries their dependent satellite states, without accepting them as equals.

The West had always sought to remain the leading Nations, without giving a chance for any one else to take their place. That was how they controlled the world, keeping the poor always poor.

At a G8 Summit Conference in London late Francois Mitterand the Socialist President of France stressed the necessity for the Nations of the North to develop those of the South. His argument was, that the development of the South will also solve some of the political problems of the North. The immigrants from less developed countries will stop migrating to the rich North if their countries are developed to provide them with a respectable standard of living.

But the rich West paid scant attention to Mr. Francois Mitterand’s plea. The Western States do not want to help the South. If they are genuinely interested in the poor of the South they would not dump excess harvest of American wheat in the sea, and pay the wheat cultivators to keep their fields barren, in order to maintain the wheat price high.

The West set up the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund, and gave loans to developing countries on their conditions. Their conditions were set out to enable the countries to pay back the interests on the loans, without getting involved with development programmes that would hamper the repayment of their debts. No third world country was able to develop according to their system of granting loans. It was another means of strangulation of the poor, putting them in to a “debt trap” set by the rich West.

The Western States, if they disagreed with a political system of a country, would invaded that country setting up one of their puppets in power as it happened in Grenada, or in Chilli. If not they set up commercial embargos putting the countries in greater difficulty, like the trade embargo on Cuba.

In Iraq before the “scandalous war” of the Bush Administration, the West declared an embargo against Iraq which resulted in thousands of children, old men and women dying due to lack of medicine resulting from the inhuman embargo on trade and medicine. Even the UN participated in economic sanctions against Iraq way back in 1990.

The Western States defend their own comfort and wellbeing at the cost of the lives of the poor people of the developing countries. And they dare accuse Sri Lanka for violation of human rights, because Sri Lanka eliminated terrorism and rescued 200,000 Tamil civilians from the grip of the terrorists. The ensuing problems are human problems that any country in such a situation would have to face,. This the Western Nation States, interposed by the Human Rights Activists, Amnesty International and the UN System officials, do not seem to understand, or do not want to understand.

The Western States are rich because of their conquests and colonisation of the third world countries. They have become rich and dominant, technically advanced, all because of their plundering of the poor Nations, mining their mineral wealth, exploiting their labour, and their countries in various ways. Despite this the West has refused to give the developing countries the essentials of technological know how, merely handing out repayable loans.

It is time that the hypocrisy of the West is exposed. It is time that the abhorrence of the West by all developing Countries, though still not openly manifested, is made evident. The trend set by Sri Lanka, to maintain and extend its diplomatic ties with more friendly countries like China, Russia, Iran, Israel, Libya, Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Morocco, Vietnam, Korea, Kenya, is commendable. It is a great step taken in the correct direction. India’s leadership in Asia is hampered by the Tamil Nadu State. Tamil Nadu, with its jokers of racist politicians like Karunanidhi, Jayalalitha, Vaiko, and the rest, is a barrier for India to be accepted as a true leader in Asia.

Sri Lanka should keep the developing countries informed of the Western hypocrisy, in its apparent animosity towards Sri Lanka ever since it eliminated a group of ruthless terrorists. And form a block which recognises the leader ship of the countries like China, Russia, Iran, Libya etc., as an alternative to the West-the West which we had once respected, of which we had high expectation of justice and fair play, and the awe with which we had once looked up to it.

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