UK Channel 4
is a “publisher broadcaster” with its programmes produced by other companies,
its funds come from broadcasting and distributing these programmes. UK Channel
4 commensed in 1982 and its history since then is studded with , disgusting sensationalism,
controversy, racist and hateful programmes
which are more often faked and false.
One of its
much criticised low and immoral television show was the Wank Week. A season of television programmes about
masturbation broad cast in March 2007. The first of this show was about a
Masturbate-a-thon, a public masturbation event, organised to raise money for
the sexual health charity Marie Stopes International…….. the series came under
public attack from senior television figures, and was pulled amid claim of
declining editorial standards and
controversy over the channel’s public
service broad casting Credential. This shows how low the Channel 4 can fall.( wikepedia)
And this is
the Channel which was allowed by Navi Pillai to screen the fake documentary on Sri Lanka the Killing Field in Geneva at the UN Human Rights Council Session
in June,2011.
Yet another
Controversial issue in which UKChannel 4 was involved was a Programme it
broadcast on Global Warming. On March 8,
2007 Channel 4 screened the highly controversial docuimentary “ The
Great Global Warming Swindle”. The
programme states that global warming is “a lie”” and “ the biggest scam of
modern times”. The programme’s accuracy
has been disputed on multiple points and
several commentators have criticised it
for being one-sided, noting that the mainstream
position on global warming is
supported by the scientific academies of the major industrial nations. There were 246 complaints that the programme
falsified data, and views had been distorted.
Critic and a TV Reviewer James Walton
speaking about Channel 4 had said, "one of the things that gets me angry
is Channel 4's use of the mentally ill for entertainment - in shows like How
Clean is Your House, where plainly some of the people have mental problems, or
Fat Pets or Wife Swap. I get this recurring image of Channel 4 programme makers
sitting round the Groucho saying, 'We've found this marvellous working class
fat person for the show! ”.
There are
many more instances of the Channel 4, presenting false, doctored documents for
a gullible British TV Viewers. The
Channel 4 now has the expertise to make any false documentary video footage
look true, and make any true video footage look false.
Again Nihal
Magdy in Common Ground News Service reported, on a document present by Channel
4, “The distorted image depicted by the media has a
detrimental effect on society at large, as it intensifies prevailing attitudes
and increases cultural divides. Media disseminates information that shapes
people’s views and attitudes. Consequently, it has immense power and influence
over the form of dialogue or debate between Muslims and non-Muslims ….”
Controversial film by Channel 4 had to be withdrawn after its Presenter Tom
Holland was threatened.
Reynold of the Guardian wrote in one of
his reports “ Ryanair sacks pilot who appeared in Channel 4 documentary on
Safety” :
rejected the false and defamatory claims made by the Channel 4 Dispatches
programme which wrongly impugn and smear Ryanair's outstanding 29-year safety
record based on nothing more than anonymous hearsay claims made by individuals
whose identity was concealed, and/or by representatives of pilot unions of
Ryanair's competitor airlines masquerading as a non-Ryanair Pilot Group,"
In 2007 UK
Channel 4, ran short of finances and turned to the government for aid and received a loan of £ 14 million. This
controversial, undignified Channel 4 which will stoop to anything to earn money has
become a symbol of UK’s
moral decadence.
Now it
may have succeeded in assuring a regular
financial income from the Tamil Diaspora with Callum Macrae making fake films
and documentaries like the No Fire Zone
and the Killing Field. Those documentaries
have not an iota of truth. It is only those who view intelligently the
Channel 4 who may perhaps understand
that these Channel 4 documents are
fictitious and fallacious.
those films have a large audience among the
Tamils of the Diaspora in UK,
Canada, Australia ,USA,
Netherlands etc where Sri Lanka pro
terrorist Tamils live in large numbers. Channel
4 need not ask for aid from the UK government
any more as they may be well compensated
financially by the pro Terrorist
Tamil Diaspora for all its fictitious documentaries it makes implicating the Sri Lanka Government Forces.
from 1982, UK Channel 4 is studded with
controversy, complaints for falsehood and faked reporting. This is the spring field of false faked films
such as the No Fire Zone and Killing Field and more to come after Macrae’s visit to Sri Lanka for CHOGM
and thereafter, at every UNHRCouncil Sessions in Geneva, all, surely financed
by the anti Sri Lanka Tamil Diaspora.
Who is
Callum Macrae the Director of UK Channel 4 ?
He is now a
Director of the controversial and unreliable UK Channel 4 ably preparing faked documents and films trying his best to
prove Sri Lanka
is a dangerous country, where the Tamils are murdered , women are raped and journalists are killed. He began is professional carrier doing odd
jobs. That is probably why he is not strait and given to make his life
making lies appear to be the truth. He grew up in Nigeria,
and Scotland,
studied painting, and worked as a dustman –a garbage collector ( which he
continues to do), ran a pirate radio station, and was a teacher.
Then he
produced a satirical cartoon strip, and began writing for news papers and
He joined the infamous UK
Channel 4 in
1992. There he founded what is called Outsider Television. Most of his programmes were contested for
heavy editing and inaccuracies, though the complaints had to be withdrawn for
various reasons later.Finally he settled down to make documents and films against Sri Lanka implicating its Armed Forces for violation of human rights at the end of the war against terrorism.
He found ways of technically manipulating collections of disconnected pictures into a make believe document or film that deceived the spectators to believe they were true. One such was the scene of persons in terrorist attire seated on the ground with their hands tied behind them with another posing as a Soldier standing behind them holding a gun at the head of one of the men.
![]() |
the bunker with clean and tidy sand bags is not possible to have during the height of fighting. The hand in the foreground is whiter than that of a Sinhala Soldier or that of a terrorist |
Another is the supposed to be son of Prabhakaran seated in front of well arranged new green sand bags munching a biscuit and then a photo of another boy with the same type of shorts lying seemingly dead on the ground. Two picture are said to show Prabhakaran’s son before and after being shot.
These films
he screened through the UK Channel 4 to fool a naive home audience with low
grade TV Programmes with faked films, to discredits Sri Lanka
a Sovereign State.
Now Callum
Macrae is well settled in life earning making fake films and documents on Sri Lanka’s war
against terrorism to uninstructed
viewers who would believe the faked atrocities were committed by the
Armed Forces of Sri Lanka. Macrae is
not concerned in making his documents seem objective. They are completely one sided, made to make the Sri Lanka Armed Forces seem
to be the Criminals, the rapists, and murderers.
Macrae does not for once in any one of his documents against Sri Lanka show the
humanism of the Sri Lanka Soldiers who risking their lives rescued nearly 300,000 Tamil civilians, an exodus of humanity running away from the
gun fire of the terrorists who shot at them for not remaining to be their
shield against the barrage of fire expected from the Armed Forces.
The reason
for Macrae’s hatred towards Sri Lanka to
join with the anti Sri Lanka Tamil diaspora and continue to produce defamatory
documents on Sri Lanka Armed Force promoting it as a Criminal Armed Force
torturing, murdering and raping the Tamil minority is a revenge according
to Michael Roberts, which he says in his
article, “ Visual Evidence II: Torture Images on Channel 4….and Weiss” –Sunday
Island 9.11.2012:
information indicates that Channel 4 was working secretly in LTTE territory
from 2007 or 2008 and that Nick Paton Walsh entered Sri Lanka to complete the
final phase of this cooperation; but was deemed suspect and unceremoniously
turned out by the Sri Lankan government in May 2009 - a humiliating outcome
which added revenge to the other motivations promoting Channel 4s commitment to
the Tiger cause and its targeting of the Sri Lankan government for a public
Callum Macrae
has been allowed to come to cover the CHOGM with his team. The Government must
be careful to keep him and his team in Colombo
without allowing them to proceed to the North for any reason.
Macrae has still not completed his Saga against Sri Lanka and he may probable
want to take pictures of the North including Nandikadal, terrorist grave yards
and where the three surrendering with white flags are supposed to have been
killed, which would be the climax to his
fiction-making it a trilogy.
Why should Sri Lanka contribute
to make him earn his living allowing him
to gather material to make yet another
faked film against Sri Lanka Armed Forces to please his paymasters?
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