Dear Sirs,
please think of one country USA
and the West have helped to come out of their poverty and develop to give its people
a decent standard of living. There is none. You are from countries that support America
blindly, being people of white Nations. Nevertheless
it is worth considering whether this
aggressive diplomacy of America
is worth pursuing.
There is
more that could be done by following a more peaceful policy, without this
pursuit of leadership challenging the Russian and Chinese influence in the
world. USA
and the West could derive more benefits to themselves and contribute to the
welfare of developing Nations by
cooperating with Russia and China , without seeking a leadership refusing to
accept the tremendous economic and social advance of China
and Russia ,
which follows a non-aggressive, democratic foreign policy. They do not employ, CIA, NGOs or NEOCOMs to destabilise
countries and change regime.
resolution against Sri Lanka
is being presented at the 11th Anniversary of the Invasion of Iraq
by USA
on the 19 March,2003. It marks the beginning of a different type of war for
balkanisation of developing Nations, and regime change in developing countries,
and barring the Chinese and Russian influence
in the world.
They call
this “humanitarian bombing”.
In 1999, the U.S. national security state — which has
been involved throughout the world in subversion, sabotage, terrorism, torture,
drug trafficking, and death squads — launched round-the-clock aerial attacks
against Yugoslavia for 78 days, dropping 20,000 tons of bombs and killing
thousands of women, children, and men. All this was done out of humanitarian
concern for Albanians in Kosovo. Or so we were asked to believe. In the span of
a few months, President Clinton bombed four countries: Sudan , Afghanistan ,
Iraq repeatedly, and Yugoslavia
massively. At the same time, the U.S.
was involved in proxy wars in Angola ,
Mexico (Chiapas ),
Colombia , East
Timor , and various other places. And U.S. forces are deployed on every
continent and ocean, with some 300 major overseas support bases — all in the
name of peace, democracy, national security, and humanitarianism. (1) (
"All NATO's targets are military in nature and
are directly linked to the Gadhafi regime's systematic attacks on the Libyan
people," said Rear Adm. Russell Harding, deputy commander of Operation
Unified Protector. "Given the escalating use of naval assets, NATO had no
choice but to take decisive action to protect the civilian population of Libya and NATO
forces at sea."
and the West are a force with waning power,
now climbing on the shoulders of
dissidents of developing countries. In Sri Lanka
they have climbed on to the shoulders of the anti Sri Lanka Tamil Diaspora, National Tamil
Alliance in Sri Lanka with a wife of a
former terrorist Ananthi Sasitharan, to
make their rallying call to defeat the aim of Sri Lanka to become a Nation of a
united people.
The delegates from South Africa should note that Even Mandela knew what
USA is capable of, “When
Mandela was taken to the ruins of Gaddafi’s compound in Tripoli, which was
bombed by the Reagan administration in 1986 in an attempt to murder the entire Gaddafi
family, he(Mandela) said:
“No country can claim to be the
policeman of the world and no state can dictate to another what it should do.
Those that yesterday were friends of our enemies have the gall today to tell me
not to visit my brother Gaddafi. They are advising us to be ungrateful and
forget our friends of the past.” (
But USA and its
allies do not accept the Commissioners
of the LLRC, even though they were learned, highly qualified people.
Some of them having even Studied
in Foreign Universities. The reason why USA and the West do not accept the
LLRC is because the Commissioners even if they were qualified were black
locals. Had there been at least one
European or an American even less qualified than the local blacks, USA
and the West may have accepted the report and not requested an International
Investigation as they are now insisting in the USA Resolution against Sri Lanka .
But the colour
does not matter for the USA and the
West to accept all false stories concocted by Ananthi Sasitharan the wife of a
terrorist as the truth, because it suits them.
They are planning such an uprising in Sri Lanka to make a situation where they could
intervene with their own armed forces and bombs shattering into rubble the five
years of infrastructure developed of Sri Lanka that is being carried out
by the President Mahinda Rajapakse and his Government.
As it has not
been easy in Sri Lanka for USA and its
allies to divert the allegiance of the
people to the President and his government,
as they made it happen in Egypt,
Tunisia, Yugoslavia, Ukraine or Venezuela, and create an artificial uprising of
the people, USA and the West befriended the Tamil people in the North of Sri
In order to strengthen this relationship with the
Tamils of the North, USA has
presented the Resolution against Sri Lanka
at this session of the UNHRC in Geneva . The passing of the USA Resolution against Sri Lanka would
be their trump card to win the Tamil people of the North on to their side.
That would then be the spring board from which the USA
and its allies with the help of the anti
Sri Lanka Tamil Diaspora and the Local pro terrorist politicians of the Tamil
National Alliance who have formed the Provincial Council in the North, will move to separate the North of Sri Lanka from
the rest of the country.
Honourable Delegates, this is the possible scenario USA and its
allies are preparing in presenting this Resolution. They will ask you to
support their Resolution against Sri Lanka ,
but please remember that this may happen in your own country, and it will then be your turn to face similar resolutions
in the UNHRC in Geneva .
Honourable Delegates you should stop this from happening and therefore
support Sri Lanka which is
one amoung you, and vote against the USA
Resolution against Sri Lanka .
It is different from the wars that USA and its allies carried out in Iraq , Afghanistan ,
Yugoslavia , and Libya . In those wars the America was fighting in foreign
countries against foreigners and there was no necessity for them to be careful
about who got killed in their bomb attacks.
But in Sri
Lanka the terrorists were its own people and
Sri Lanka Armed Forces fought that
war within its own territory. And
knowing that they are fighting in their own country against a group of
terrorist sprung from amoung them, were careful when fighting against the
terrorists not to put in danger the lives of the Tamil civilians and their
This USA and its allies would not accept as it does
not help them in their object of
territorial separation of Sri Lanka
All the accusations USA
are making against Sri Lanka
in presenting their resolution are false. The violation of human rights and war crimes
they accuse the SL Government and its Armed Forces to have committed at the
last phase of the elimination of terrorism are false as they are based primarily on hear say
evidence and fictitious films of horror made by UK Channel 4 using modern
![]() |
Diego Garcia American Military Base in Indian Oceran |
“These facilities
include a total of 845,441 different buildings and equipments. The underlying
land surface is of the order of 30 million acres. According to Gelman, who
examined 2005 official Pentagon data, the US is thought to own a total of 737
bases in foreign lands. Adding to the bases inside U.S. territory, the
total land area occupied by US military bases domestically within the US and
internationally is of the order of 2,202,735 hectares ,
which makes the Pentagon one of the largest landowners worldwide (Gelman, J.,
Taking all this into account, Honourable Delegates to
the UNHRC Sessions, I pray you to please vote against this non productive
unjust and undemocratic Resolution against Sri Lanka .
Most Respectfully,