Monday 7 January 2019

In 18 hundreds Emperor Napoleon prophesied..” quand la chine s'éveillera, le monde tremblera »- when China awakens the World will tremble.

 And where is Sri Lanka in the meantime with pseudo democracy and an independent Judiciary  ?

In 1933 Pearl S.Buck won the Nobel Prize for literature for  writing brilliant novels such as The Good Earth  describing the poverty of the Chinese peasants. She described  in moving terms  how the Chinese peasants who had no food to eat survived eating barks of trees , and how the peasant  women sold little babies on the way side. 

Later the western press described  how Mao’s Communism  massacred its own people, and later how the Communist governments violated human rights of the Chinese people. When the west triumphed  in breaking up the powerful USSR, they thought they would follow it up with China and erase  Communism from the face of earth.  

In 1989 the Chinese Students manipulated by interested parties  came out in thousands to manifest against the Chinese Communist Regime. The American and the Western press overjoyed rushed  in  to take images of floundering Communism to show the Americans to rejoice the end of Communism in China, and the victory of Western democracy.  However, the government of the People’s Republic of China  suppressed the students manifestation  which the western press immediately flashed  in large letters in the first pages as the Tiananmen Square Massacre.

America took away the student leaders who led the manifestations as heroes of democracy. The Western press described in details  to shock the American public the suppression of the student manifestations as brutal  and the massacre of thousands of Students . American Government as usual suspended arms sale to China, and imposed economic sanctions.

Thereafter, at every international forum America and the West condemned China for violation of human rights, and it became their preoccupation for a number of years continuing to do so even now. However, despite refusal of the West to transfer science and  technology, China which had begun its development process in stages first by even melting  iron ore in home furnaces, rose from the state  of poverty, despite  American and Western barriers for its development with  anti China propaganda, and  yet as if it were overnight  became the economic leader of the world, second only to that of the America.

When in 1969 the Americans landed the Spacecraft Apollo II on the moon, while relations between China and Russia had turned sour and there was conflict brewing between the two- the Dragon and the Bear, in 1969 China celebrated its 20th Anniversary of Mao’s declaration of the People’s republic of China on 1st October,1949.

To crown it all on the 4th January, 2019,  China Landed a spacecraft on the dark side of the Moon, the side unseen from the earth.  That is a first by China and perhaps a slap on America with Trirmph’s declared trade war against China. But the West are not generous even to accept such a great achievement of China. France television  while discussing this great Chinese achievement  shamelessly questioned on  China’s  violation of human rights. America and Europe are hopelessly involved in a political and an economic  crisis- America with a President who does not seem to know what he has to do, UK has problems with regard to entering or leaving the EU, France in a political stand still with thousands of people on the streets  protesting against taxation,  Germany’s political crisis over immigration. Italy in the hands of extreme rightwing politicians with a crisis over EU, all that while China sails peacefully on a  calm sea  bereft of rough political waves towards greater  hope and prosperity.

The Chinese people were able to recognise their President Xi Jinping  elected by them on the 15th November,2015  as the  man capable of leading their country forward to success, and  elected him  as their  President for life on 25 October,2017.  That is how countries could prosper. Russia too found a great leader in  Vladimir Poutine and continues to elect  him term after term  to develop Russia further  as he is  loved by  the Russian people and earned their confidence.  .

We in Sri Lanka should also have re-elected Mahinda Rajapakse and kept him as the President for  few more years, as in him Sri Lanka found the correct political leadership to lead the country to prosperity. All scandals started by UNP dictated to by the West about Mahinda Rajapakse being a corrupt politicians were all lies  because he was a great patriot who was in the service of the people and the country. It is still the educated Colombians, UNP and the Tamil politicians  that are a barrier to Sri Lanka’s development and prosperity. 

Not understanding this reality deprived Sri Lanka the services of a great political leader , as it has been proved today how wrong the people were  in electing another President to replace Mahinda Rajapakse for a change,   which brought back an incapable political leadersip under a Ranil Wickramasinghe a puppet of the West,   politically blind to lead Sri Lanka any where towards development.

RanilW has taken  Sri Lanka many miles backwards on the path of development that was traced by Mahinda Rajapakse. They accused Mahinda Rajapakse  for a family regime having his brothers around him, but those brothers  were an essential part of Mahinda Rajapakse’s equipment for his vision of development. 

America and the West  mindful  that wide powers  of exploring the space  vested with  people with special qualities, wanted to guard that knowledge for themselves. Hence America  did not pass on scientific and technological know how to China, as such knowledge they thought  requires making important decisions which will affect the whole world  and most of such decisions may not be reversible to make.

This sounds same as those wise words of Sri Lanka’s appeal court  judgement in which the judicial duo said to be independent  democratic appeal court judges, said why they cannot entrust the function of the duties of  a Prime Minister  and Cabinet of Ministers to a group that had been sworn in by the President of Sri Lanka.

No one can stop China reaching greater heights in  all fields of development. Sri Lanka should take a lesson and elect a visionary leader as a President of Sri Lanka, or while China goes from prosperity to prosperity we in -Sri Lanka,  with our pseudo democracy and pseudo independent Judiciary is  going down from poverty to poverty.

It is  time that the people take note and end this nonsense of  Sumandiran- Ranil Wickramasinghe Regime- for that is what it has become with their determination to pass a new  federal Constitution, with nine provinces, allowing JVP to present a 20th Amendment to the Constitution to have a President for Sri Lanka elected no more by the people, but by the Parliamentarians of no-confidence motion with 122 votes fame, allowing North and East to form a Single Tamil only Province, enact the Trade Agreement with Singapore and ruin Sri Lanka making it a puppet state of the West.

Sri Lanka cannot go to the Moon. But Sri Lanka has to preserve its territorial integrity, without allowing it to be  divided by a power crazy UNP and its allied political parties, to please  a handful of racist Tamil  politicians. Therefore  , the patriotic Sri Lankans should determine never  again to vote for any one from UNP or from its  allied parties for them to form a government or be party to a coalition government

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