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In many townships, residents use plastic portable public toilets. |
Sooka, have you visited the poor Africans living in squalid conditions in
Squatter Camps, seen with your eyes the misery of the poor blacks living in
shanties of Johanesbourg or the living conditions in Barcelona with strewn filth ?
I am
sure not Sooka, because you only write reports sitting in comfortable offices
or speak to well off political leaders who
do not understand human suffering, and to NGO parasites living on the miseries of
Sooka what has truth and justice you direct given to the poor South Africans still living in utter
poverty and in inhuman misery.
“In the history of civil rights, South Africa
lays claim to a momentous achievement — the demolition of apartheid and the
construction of a democracy. But for black South Africans, who account for
three-fourths of this nation of roughly 55 million people, political liberation
has yet to translate into broad material gains. ” Peter .S.Goodman , NYT.
Sooka was a member of a UN Panel which prepared a faulty report on Accountability
in Sri Lanka
for the personal use of UN SG Ban Ki
Moon- the Darusman report. It was prepared depending on emails and hearsay
evidence collected from files and members of the Tamils living abroad, most of them had not
been in Sri Lanka
during terrorism to even know what it
was like.
The Tamil diaspora has a burning prejudice against Sri Lanka and
its Sinhala majority. The report was accepted by UN Commissioner
for Human Right Navi Pillai a Tamil
herself who hero worshipped the terrorist leader Prabhakaran, to accuse Sri
Lanka Armed Forces for war crimes, during her period of service in the
UNHRCouncil and passed it on to Prince
Zeid Al-Hussein who continued
repression against the Government
imposing on it the notorious resolution
by America and the West for human rights
violation and war crimes.
Sooka’s only connection to Sri
Lanka is her member ship in the Darusman
Panel and her friendship with Navy
Pillai sworn enemy of the Sri Lanka Government and its Armed Forces. Sooka wants to be in the international “lime light”
by jumping now and then to accuse for no valid reasons the Officers of the Sri Lanka Armed Forces.
She accused
former General Jagath Jayasuriy when he
was in Brazil
for war crimes and that he should be taken into custody while abroad. The latest is her condemnation of the
Government of Sri Lanka for the appointment of Major General Shavendra Silva as
the Chief of Staff of the Sri Lanka Armed Forces.
She had
said speaking about Majaor General
Shavendra Silva, “The military officer is
arguably the most wanted man in Sri
Lanka –yet a decade later, tragically, he is
being promoted instead of standing trial.
Tamil survivors of the war, thousands of whom have been driven into
exile since, have expressed horror that Silva has been chosen for such a senior
military position. This is an incredible affront to the victims of that war–and
jeopardises any reconciliation attempt in Sri Lanka ,”
What Yasmin
Sooka does not know, or does not want to acknowledge is the fact that, had it
not been for the likes of the Chief of
Staff Shavendra Silva, the Tamil civilian population in the North and East
would have been driven like cattle by
the terrorists from place to place in the jungles of the north to be kept as human shields for their
suffering of the poor Tamil civilians neither Yasmin Sooka nor the Tamil
Diaspora will never ever understand.
Government armed forces of Sri
Lanka never fought against the Tamil
civilians , but against the terrorists who were Tamils. If they fought against
the Tamils why did the Sri Lanka Armed
Forces specially the Division 58 led by Major General Shavendra Silva evacuated
320 thousand Tamil civilians forcibly kept by the terrorists as a human
shield under most inhuman sanitary conditions ?
This continued
accusation of our of the officers of the
Armed Forces by Yasmin Sooka should stop.
It is a humiliation for a man who
took risks for himself and his men to end the suffering of all the people of Sri Lanka . Humiliation of that one
man is a humiliation directed to all the people of Sri Lanka .
the Government of Sri Lanka should initiate some sort of action through the
Secretary General of the UN to stop Yasmin Sooka taking on herself the role of
a “world police woman” hunting for war
Criminals, as she has no official
position to make false accusations any Officer of the Armed Forces of Sri
The Armed
Forces of Sri Lanka are respected by the people of Sri Lanka . All those officers and
member of the Armed Forces who took an active part in the elimination of
terrorism and putting an end to 30 years of suffering more of the Tamils of the
north and East and other Communities in the rest of the country outside the
North and East, are our heroes and saviours of the country and the people. How dare does
Yasmin Sooka continue to be ittle our heroes and treat them as having
committed war crimes in their legitimate war against the terrorists the enemies
of Sri Lanka and its people.
No body has
the right to make vain accusations against them and least of all Yasmin Sooka
who made a false report knowing that it was false, to dupe the UN and satisfy the Tamils of the
Let us see
why Yasmin Sooka meddles in an affair
that does not concern her, when after her participation in writing the false Daruman reports, she became
the Director of the International Truth and Justice Project. If she has real
humanitarian interests, why doe not she turn to South Africa , her own country where
life is not so rosy to the majority of the black South Africans who live below the
poverty line.
Sooka has a long list of Commissions and Panels in which she served and many writings of
all sorts of reports, as well as making
speeches at forums , but Yasmina Sooka
has not actively participated, and actually engaged herself in any project to
ameliorate the conditions of the poor people in South Africa, whose human
rights are daily in conflict, with government officials and the rich and well
to do.
There is
however not that great poverty in Sri Lanka after elimination of
terrorism but living conditions of the Tamils as well as the Sinhala and
Muslims have largely improved. The Sri Lankans live happily despite the interference by persons like
Yasmin Sooka and members of
multifarious NGOs working in Sri Lanka
earning their living accusing the Armed
Forces of Sri Lanka, and political leaders of the Sinhala Community opposing
the puppet Government set up by the West,
lead by a Prime Minister supported by
the West and the NGOs.
Sooka is still sought after by the Sri Lanka Tamil politicians of
the TNA to continually accuse the Armed Forces, as they want anti Sri Lanka Armed Forces publicity continued as they are
planning to have a Tamil only Provinces in the North and East without Army
Camps after helping the Present Ranil
Wickramasinghe Government to prepare a Federal Government which they are
determined to get passed in Parliament .
Tamil Politicians down play the Sri
Lanka ’s development after the elimination of terrorism. There were proposals
to set up a Truth and Justice project in the line of South Africa and even suggestion to
put up a statue of Nelson Mandela.
Nelson Mandela
is of course a man respected for his
indefatigable fight against South African Apartheid and actively engaged himself until the end of the racial regime. The South Africans should put up statues of
Nelson Mandela every where in South Africa as a reminder that South Africans should
not allow themselves to suffer once
again because of the colour of their skin.
Yasmin Sooka has apartheid been completely erased from South Africa ?
Sooka open your eye and see the suffering of your people in South Afrika, instead
of trying to create misery where there is none in Sri Lanka . The trouble with Sri Lanka is
that the Tamil Politicians are living in
a mental state of segregation, and suffer through a racial difference created
on their own.
In South Africa
the wealth is not reasonably distributed and
the people still lack land and wealth and suffer from utter poverty,
that Sooka is economic apartheid. It is for you to get involved to finish what
Nelson Mandela began to liberate
people completely both from social and economic segregation.
You cannot do that by accusing our armed forces which liberated its people
completely from terrorism and gave the people peace and security which you have
not given to your own people.
What action
did you take against reported high
level corruption of the President Jacob Zuma’s Government , will
things be better under Cyril Ramaphosa ?
A Statue of
Nelson Mandela has no place in Sri Lanka, as Sri Lanka never had apartheid and
the Tamil people were and are as free as the Sinhala, and other minority
Communities living in Sri Lanka. The comparison to apartheid, genocide by the
Sinhala are stories concocted by the Tamil politicians to keep the
Communities separated and create a
separate Eelam State led by the high Caste Tamil politicians. There is no
reason why we should have a Statue of a political leader of South Africa who emancipated his
people from apartheid erected in our country. It is the high caste Tamils who
create “ apartheid against the low caste
Tamils in Sri Lanka ,
not the Sinhala who treat every one equal.
But we
should have statues erected for the Armed Forces that freed the country and the
people from terrorism. We should have a statue of Major General Shavendra Silva
in Jaffna as it was Major General Shavendra Silva and his 58 Division that led
its assault against the terrorists to liberate 320 000 Tamil Civilians
kept as human shields under repressive condition without prper sanitary
conditions, food , water or even clean clothes to wear.
Education system is much to be desired. The
schools have no adequate space and the
Principles of Schools are corrupt squandering money from school accounts. The
private schools are better, but the poor cannot afford to send their children
to them There is no teacher training .
Parents yearn to have their children educated but they cannot afford to do
so. The gap between the rich and the
poor is far greater. Tin and mud shacks in which the poor live in squalid
conditions jostle besides luxury mansions of the rich. Health Care in South Africa is
low and not within the reach of the poor blacks.
There is an
increasing crime rate , and never ending streams of immigrant coming from
countries in the rest of Africa . The government
puts the increasing crime rate to the
inflow of immigrants.
The South Africa
has been nominally freed from apartheid , but the black Africans have not been
freed from economic apartheid as yet .
The Indians and others like Yasmin Sooka are better off than the native
Africans , but being better off Yasmin Sooka is interested in doing service to
Tamils in Sri Lanka and not helping the
poor black Africans who need every ones help to find their way out of
I give
some internet references below to educate Yasmin Sooka what her duties should
be as a South Africans. She should leave her interest in looking after the
interest of Tamils in Sri Lanka
and ask her self how to help her own
people suffering in South Africa ,
as they are worse off than the Tamils in Sri Lanka .
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