Monday 9 September 2013

JHU withdrawing from the PSC highlights danger of not removing13A .

Science and Technology Minister, Champika Ranawaka stated, that the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) has decided not to participate at future sittings of the Special Parliamentary Select Committee to resolve the national question,  as the PSC  has failed to revise the 13th constitutional amendment before the upcoming elections.

We have to felicitate JHU for  its withdrawal  from the PSC to make the people understand the Government’s lethargy and hesitation to take a decision to remove the 13 Amendment or remove the provisions it had decided remove at a Cabinet meeting, when every right thinking citizen agrees that the 13A has no place in the Constitution of Sri Lanka. 

In the PSC delaying to take a decision  on the 13A the Government it has strengthened the hand of the TNA to continue to be bold as to publicly demand  the separation of North and East as a Tamil Homeland.  The President shouts from roof tops that he will not allow  any one to divide the country, but at the same time to please the Commonwealth and India preparing for an Election,  he turns a deaf ear to TNA defying the Constitution  in an absurd  election manifesto.

As time passes the situation in the North will be intolerable if there were to be  a TNA PC in place.  The TNA with its Manifesto has already brought Prabhakaran back into the Election fray making him a hero of the Tamil people.

 All these election rhetoric not allowing the country to be divided by any one  seems a camouflage fearing India’s boycott of the CHOMG on the grounds of the removal of the 13A.

If the Tamils in the North want to have the TNA elected to the PC  with what ever hardships they will bring to the people,  should be allowed for the Tamil people to decide. But even if the TNA were to be elected by the Tamil people of the North, TNA should not be allowed  to rely on the 13Amendment to ask for Land and Police Powers, annexartion of the  North and East, and the right of  self determination to set up a separate Eelam.

This can be assured if  a decision is taken to remove the 13A  before the PC elections in the North.  If not the removal of   the 13Amendment will have the opposition of the UN  and the International Community, and numerous other complications.

Some opposes the Bodu Bala Sena as an extremist Organisation, but the Bodu Bala Sena is the result of the extremism of the Tamil and Muslim Communities of Sri Lanka.  TNA asking for a separate state for Tamils calling them a special community of people, and the Muslims becoming aggressive entertaining Wahabism into their midst want the Buddhists to be silent and accept all their trespass in to the rights and privileges of the Sinhala people. 

It is in that light the rise of the Bodu Bala Sena should be viewed by all those who attack Buddhist extremism.  Bodu Bala Sena in the midst of Tamil extremism and Muslim Wahabism is an Organisation to defend and protect the rights and privileges of the Sinhala Buddhist. It is not Maduluwawe Sobhita Thero who will fight for the rights of the Sinhala Buddhists.
If the Government will not remove the 13Amenment from the Constitution no one  should expect Bodu BalaSena to lie low  while a TNA PC Council would take step by step action to separate the North and East of Sri Lanka,  demand the removal of the Armed Forces from the North, and not allow the Sinhala people to settle down in the North.

By the Government not removing the 13Amendment it invites more support for  Sinhala Buddhist extremism.  Sinhala Buddhists had suffered under the colonial rulers and after them the Islamic religious fundamentalism, terrorism of the Tamils, and the claim of special privileges to the Tamil by the TNA.

The people of Sri Lanka should be grateful to the Minister  Champika Ranawaka of the JHU for having had the courage to withdraw from the PSC to  demonstrate to the President and the Government the necessity to take an immediate decision on the removal of the 13A, even if it  were to stop India Participating in the CHOGM.

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